All children are born gifted.  We believe that when you put technology in the hands of children it will change the world.  Digital Doc has teamed up with the Urban Stem Academy, Creative Coast, Hot Coffee Club and littleBits to provide local bright and young minds in our community access to cool technology that can alter the course of history. littleBits are modular devices that snap together to create and make amazing real world problem solving projects.  Their mission is: “put the power of electronics in the hands of everyone, and to break down complex technologies so that anyone can build, prototype, and invent.” They started in New York during September, 2011 by Ayah Bdeir.

We sat down to chat with Patrick Bentley from the Urban STEM academy about what we are doing to prototype our own Summer academy to teach children littleBits.

We are looking for volunteers, supporters and corporate/individual backers who want to see this become a regular interactive project that can help us take this to ALL the schools within our community. littleBits is currently in 70+ countries and 2,000+ schools across the world. Thank you to Sheldon Kennedy of Hot Coffee Club, for your support in funding our initial littleBits Workshop set. Now we are able to bring our projects into schools and libraries where the learning can begin!

As the official chapter leaders, we believe it is our job to make sure that all children have access to this technology. What do you get when you put bright young minds into a room with electronic toys? It’s safe to say that we think children will shape our world.  But there’s a problem when not everyone has access to technology.  Some of them are born without access to these electronic devices.  It doesn’t matter how special your gift is, if no one is there to provide the tools, guidance and inspiration to show off your talents.

If you want to participate, kids, adults, supporters, please email Patrick Bentley from the Urban STEM Academy right here in Savannah, GA.